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Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross were commissioned by St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Lancaster, PA and were completed in the spring of 2005.


This commission gave me the opportunity to apply my own contemporary vision to an artistic form that dates back to the 13th century.


For both aesthetic and conceptual reasons, I felt it imperative to work with a variety of models—a total of eleven, culled from a wide range of ages and ethnicities. I wanted the narrative of Christ’s passion and death to be represented in a way that is tensioned between the “specific” and the “universal.” The mixture of models and the anonymity implied by the fragmented figures push the imagery toward representation of the human community in its universal aspect (often called in theological terms “the mystical body of Christ”).


The Stations were cast from life into Hydrocal FGR 95 and are 24" square. Two sets were made: one resides permanently at St. Thomas.


The other set was exhibited at Allegheny College in Meadville, PA; the Narthex Gallery at Saint Peter's Lutheran/ Citicorp Center and the National Museum of Catholic Art and History in NYC; the Village Presbyterian Church in Prairie Village, KS; the Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral; and Memorial Hall at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. In 2022, it found a permanent home at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Seattle, WA.


In 2015, in conjunction with Pope Francis's visit to Philadelphia, I participated in an exhibition at the Globe Dye Works, a defunct factory now used for art exhibitions. I showed the master "patterns," i.e. the assembled forms from which the fabricators made the molds and cast the positives for the commission. These patterns bear the scars of the production process: the discoloration of the lacquer sealants, cracks, chips and broken fingers.The patterns were positioned around the industrial machinery in a manner reminiscent of the Museo Centrale Montemartini, another former industrial space in Rome.


The Stations at St. Thomas

The Stations at St. Thomas

Composite panorama of the Stations as commissioned by St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Lancaster, PA.

The Stations at St. Thomas

The Stations at St. Thomas

Two of the Stations as commissioned by St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Lancaster, PA.

The Stations at the NMCAH

The Stations at the NMCAH

Exhibition of the second set of the Stations at the National Museum of Catholic Art and History in New York City. View shown here with sculpture by Muriel Castanis.

The Stations at St. Mark's

The Stations at St. Mark's

Two of the second set of Stations at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle, WA.

The Stations at St. Mark's

The Stations at St. Mark's

One of the second set of Stations at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle, WA.

Jesus is condemned to death

Jesus is condemned to death

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Jesus takes up his cross

Jesus takes up his cross

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Jesus falls the first time

Jesus falls the first time

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Jesus meets his mother

Jesus meets his mother

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Simon, Cyrene, helps carry the cross

Simon, Cyrene, helps carry the cross

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

A woman wipes the face of Jesus

A woman wipes the face of Jesus

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Jesus falls a second time

Jesus falls a second time

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Jesus falls the third time

Jesus falls the third time

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Jesus is stripped of his garments

Jesus is stripped of his garments

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Jesus is nailed to the cross

Jesus is nailed to the cross

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Jesus dies on the cross

Jesus dies on the cross

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Jesus’ body is taken down from the c

Jesus’ body is taken down from the c

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Jesus’ body is placed in the tomb

Jesus’ body is placed in the tomb

Hydrocal FGR 95; each panel measures 24” x 24” with the depth varying from 2” to 9"; 2005

Via Crucis

Via Crucis

Installation of the master patterns from the Stations of the Cross at the Globe Dye Works in Philadelphia. Hydrostone, wood, plastic netting and amber shellac.

Via Crucis

Via Crucis

Installation of the master patterns from the Stations of the Cross at the Globe Dye Works in Philadelphia. Hydrostone, wood, plastic netting and amber shellac.

Via Crucis

Via Crucis

Installation of the master patterns from the Stations of the Cross at the Globe Dye Works in Philadelphia. Hydrostone, wood, plastic netting and amber shellac.

Via Crucis

Via Crucis

Installation of the master patterns from the Stations of the Cross at the Globe Dye Works in Philadelphia. Hydrostone, wood, plastic netting and amber shellac.

Listen to Peter Crimmins' review

of the Globe Dye Works

exhibition on WHYY

All artwork on this site © Virginia Maksymowicz.

Most photographs are by Blaise Tobia or Virginia Maksymowicz

other photos are credited.

Some works are collaborative.

Some permissions for use and distribution

available through a Creative Commons License

Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs 3.0


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